Tag Archives: New Year

The Missing 76 Years

With the coming month of Aviv in 2017 the number of years since the creation of Adam is 5853. But the Jewish sages tell us it is 5777 since the creation. We use the Sabbatical and Jubilee cycles which began with the creation of Adam. But there are still 76 missing years between the two … Continue reading The Missing 76 Years

Will There be a 13 Month Two Years in a Row?

March 19, 2017 would have been wave sheaf day had the barley been close to being ripe on February 27, 2017. We are now just 11 days away from the new moon being sighted on March 29, 2017. Will the barley be aviv by this new moon or will a 13th month be declared? Many … Continue reading Will There be a 13 Month Two Years in a Row?