Category Archives: 5853

Palm Sunday and 6 Days Before Passover

We have explained the 3 days and 3 nights and shown you that Yehshua was killed on Wednesday and came out of the grave on Saturday afternoon as the sunset. We have also explained the verse that added the word today in our teaching about The Road to Emmaus. But there are still some who … Continue reading Palm Sunday and 6 Days Before Passover

Gibraltar-The Divorce From Europe by the UK & Isaiah 47

The United Kingdom has filed Article 50 and officially started the divorce process from the EU. Spain has now demanded that Gibraltar be returned to Spain as part of this divorce process. Europe has also demanded that Great Britain pay them 52 Billion Sterling in order to start the negotiations. And then as I go to … Continue reading Gibraltar-The Divorce From Europe by the UK & Isaiah 47

The Curses Part 1

Why do we need to keep the Sabbatical year? Is it truly just for when you’re in the land of Israel? Does Yehovah care whether or not you keep the Sabbatical years? Does Yehovah show us when the Sabbatical years are? Can you prove this from your own bible? Is the Sabbatical year 49 or … Continue reading The Curses Part 1

The Missing 76 Years

With the coming month of Aviv in 2017 the number of years since the creation of Adam is 5853. But the Jewish sages tell us it is 5777 since the creation. We use the Sabbatical and Jubilee cycles which began with the creation of Adam. But there are still 76 missing years between the two … Continue reading The Missing 76 Years

Today is the Third Day and it is Easter

Luke 24:1 states that today is the third day. And based on this one translation many have now excepted this to be the resurrection day on Sunday and have made this the reason they now keep Sunday as the Lord’s Day and Easter Sunday. But is this a proper translation? Is there a reason for … Continue reading Today is the Third Day and it is Easter